US EPA VGP Compliance Services

USenvironmental protection agency issued VGP (Vessel General Permit) that providers for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit coverage for incidental discharges into water of Unites during normal operation of a vessel.
General information on the VGP requirements, including the final 2013 VGP, can be accessed at the following link
Which discharges should be monitored?
  • Bilgewater discharges must be monitored for any vessel constructed on or after December 19, 2013 and greater than 400 gross tons that discharge bilgewater to waters of the United States (see Part of the VGP).
  • Graywaterdischarge must be monitored for any vessel discharging graywater to waters of the United States constructed on or after December 19, 2013, having a maximum crew capacity of at least 15 crew, and providing overnight accommodation to those crew, and vessels that are not “commercial vessels” discharging graywater operating on the Great Lakes (see Part of the VGP).
  • Ballast water discharges must be monitored on vessels using a ballast water treatment system to achieve the numeric discharge limitations at Part of the 2013 VGP that discharge ballast water to waters of the United States (see Part of the VGP).
  • Exhaust gas scrubber discharges must be monitored on any vessels discharging exhaust gas scrubber washwater to waters of the United States (see Part of the VGP).
What we have to offer?
  • Onboard Attendance for Sampling acc. to ETV Protocol, as well as BWMS code and Field Testing acc. To 40 CFR 136.3 methods
  • Sampling bottles and containers as per VGP methods’ requirements.
  • Transportation of the samples within the required timeframes.
  • ransportation of the samples with the required conditions (preservatives/light/temperature conditions etc)
  • Lab Testing with EPA designated methods (40 CFR 136.3 methods) in Accredited Laboratories
  • Reporting as per EPA requirements
  • Guidance on Regulations – Provision of 30-page Guide
  • Technical Support and Customer Care
Area Country
Asia Singapore, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, India, South Korea
Middle East United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt
Europe Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Gibraltar, Italy, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Croatia, Slovenia, Malta, Portugal
USA Texas, NOLA, Mobile, Pascagoula, Florida, California, Oregon, Washington, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Boston, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware
Americas Panama, Canada, Brazil, Jamaica
Australia Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne
Where we offer our services?